I notice that it's been a while since I posted anything to our blog. This last week was pretty busy, especially for Holly. She had a one-hour Bible lesson and a two-hour presentation on Colombia. I taught our grammar class on Friday, leading a discussion of the preposition "a" in Spanish. Hmmm . . . it's amazing that you need an hour lecture just to begin to grapple with the uses of a one-letter preposition.

We bought a small rabbit for the kids yesterday. He's grey and white. Maybe I'll upload a picture in the near future. Holly asked Lucas what we should call him. He instantly answered, "Stockings." I'm constantly amazed at his ability to communicate.

My discipleship time with James this week was excellent. I've been very pleased with his progress and desire to learn the Word and apply it in his life. What a blessing!

It was a blessing to talk to our new senior pastor at Campus Baptist yesterday--Pastor Will Hatfield. I praise God leading Will to the position. I've been praying more for our church now than I did when I was in the U.S.

Not much on the docket for today. Maybe we'll take a trip into San Jose to a Christian bookstore. I really need to get a new stash of tracts. I ran out of them a week or two ago.