I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to blog anything. I taught a course in our seminary here on Matthew, which was a stressful experience because I agreed to take the course with three weeks notice and without notes from another professor. That meant that I was working all day to prepare the class for that night, something that is not fun, especially when I had to continue with responsabilities in Chia. Well, I survived the Matthew class and now I'm teaching a course on biblical counseling at the Bible institute in Tenjo. It's been a lot less stressful because there are fewer students, it's more informal, and the topic is clearer in my mind (Matthew is difficult!).

Last week I started a new series with the men's Sunday school class on historical theology. They have wanted to understand better how our theology fits into the scheme of church history and why we believe what we do from a historical perspective. I have learned to really enjoy this subject, especially since I'm no expert and am learning a lot. The first week we looked at the sufficiency of the Scriptures and the contrast between the view of Clement of Alexandria and Tertullian on this topic. This week we're going to study the topic of the NT canon.

I don't know how many of you speak Spanish, but here are a few resources that I've found helpful.

Recursos para el estudio del canon, de la historia de la iglesia, etc.

El Texto Bíblico -- Nuevo Testamento
Recursos Teológicos
Apologetica.org Este sitio es católico, pero me sirvió para aprender más acerca de los padres de la iglesia.