I´ve begun to work on the initial research to write an article on la malicia indígena, or native cunning. I´d seen other translations of the phrase in English, but they sounded terrible. For example, "Indian malice," which is very misleading because malice and malicia are not the same thing. I wrote about the concept a while back under the title Reading between the lines.

My hope is to get published in the Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ), but obviously I have to write the article, and it has to be good enough. I honestly think that the idea for the article merits attention, but maybe not everyone else does.

I´m considering the title "The truth of the gospel in Colombia," with a focus on how the gospel should change many Colombian practices related to this "native cunning." Jorge Morales, speaking about la malicia indígena, says, "According to popular opinion, it´s a “combination of creativity, astuteness, prudence, and hypocrisy” which are “sufficient to make up for underdevelopment evident in education, poverty and abandonment by the State."

We´ve seen a number of ways in which the native cunning is made manifest in the ministry here. To note a few: manipulating, lying, taking advantage of others, mistrust, slandering, expressing a victim mentality. Now I know that these examples are not unique to Colombia, but what was new was the subtlety in which these sins are expressed. We´ve seen some masters at lying and giving false impressions. I´d never run into something similar in the U.S.

I want to focus in on how we should deal with these actions from a biblical point of view. What do you do when you have two people in your church fighting about the same issue and explaining the situation in completely opposite ways? (Say you´re going to cut their baby in half.) How can a missionary not get a completely negative attitude toward Colombian culture? (Have close Colombian friends.)

At any rate, you get the idea. If you have any ideas, let me know.


Anonymous said...

I was born in Colombia but isolated by a immigrant Family(my mother's Family came from Uruguay), and that native cunning has been my meekness until now... you have to born and live as a native Colombian or to absorb from inside out all the cultural matters no matter what...as a follower of Christ now I could finally understand the native cunning and with this others TIPS: lots of love and understanding and a LOTS OF PRAY AND FEAST....prove the souls the Lord says and this is another clue.. prove the souls constantly. it is hard and should broke your heart and your relationships but it is part of the survivor manual.