I've been in "emergency mode" for the past two weeks. By that I mean I´ve had to attend a ton of emergency meetings to try to fix some major things that blew up in the church. Here´s what happenned.

Two Sundays ago, I had an inkling that things weren't going to go perfectly. We were going to have a budget meeting with the church after the service. I had thoughts of budget meetings at Campus Baptist, where the budget is presented, three or four respectful questions are asked, and then it's approved.

Not so on that day. We spent 45 minutes just debating the approval of the minutes from the previous meeting. Obviously something was brewing. And Holly said that she saw Galatians 5:15 come alive, "But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!"

Towards the end of the meeting a group of people stood up and read a letter basically sharing their desire to say "chau" to the Colombian pastor.

Of course this type of thing sends major shudders through the whole church. There was group of people who met almost every night for a week or two. Other people see the unbiblical foundations of such a tactic. Last Sunday the tension was palpable in the service.

As a church we need to work through many details of this situation. People were offended verbally. The Bible was not followed. As the interim pastor I felt like resigning on the Monday after this happened. Now I see that God needs to work through this situation to purify His church.

I´ve been mostly working on an individual or family level with this problem, slowly unraveling the knots of problems that should have been handled biblically a long time ago.