I've been confronted with a very real cultural difference. Perhaps I should say "personal arrogance." I was expecting that we would easily receive our Colombian visas because "why wouldn't they want us in their country?" But isn't that how we tend to look at things? But I've heard what it's like on the other side, at least in Costa Rica.

Costa Ricans have to set up an appointment at the U.S. embassy at least a year in advance, sometimes more. Then they pay $100 just for the opportunity to present their need for a visa. If they don't receive it, they lose the money. And a hundred bucks is not small change.

The Ticos also mentioned that the atmosphere was anything but "light" or "fun" at the U.S. embassy. Now, that's a good thing for national security purposes. But contrast that with my attitude towards the Colombian embassy. I expected them to just give me the visas without any trouble at all. But God wanted to teach me a lesson about humility and understanding that He is in control. Not me.

We have this coming week to receive the documents we need from Bogota, which requires faith and patience. Then we need to go to the Colombian consulate here in Chicago to apply for the visas.

But, God is in control.