This year I set a goal to read at least 16 books . . . four on Colombia, four on ministry, four on the New Testament, and four on theology. It's been a good exercise to write down what I read. Last count I had read 31 different books. I'm on the last of my 16 "required" books now. Jesus as God: the New Testament Use of Theos in Reference to Jesus by Murray J. Harris, which of course falls in the NT category.

I'm enjoying this book immensely. Reading a good exegete work through NT texts always thrills my soul. He examines nine times in the NT where the Greek word theos may refer to Jesus. So far I've read his sections on John 1:1; 1:18; 20:28; Acts 20:28; Romans 9:5; and Titus 2:13. Very compelling! (Not that I doubted the deity of Jesus Christ!) I especially liked the chapter on Romans 9:5 because I'd never studied that one in depth.

The other book that I'm really enjoying right now is Baptist Centennial History of the Philippines by one of ABWE missionaries, Elaine Kennedy. The Philippines offer perhaps the best "success" story in our mission's history. Our Filipino brothers and sisters have started over 1,000 churches, various seminaries, and are sending missionaries around the world. I've enjoyed learning about how God blessed in the ministry in the Philippines. One thing really surprised me--to learn about the persecution faced by the believers in the early 1900s in the Philippines.