I've tried to post to Blogger a few times this week, but each time I get thwarted. I think that the problem is on my end (minor computer trouble). Right now I'm borrowing a laptop, so it's not configured to my connection, etc. Praise God, our new laptop should be arriving this week!

I've been to a gov't office three days in a row. Yes, I know that you wish that you could do that too. On Tuesday, I went to the Story County office to turn in the plates on my LeSabre (I know, it's an end an era). Yesterday, Lucas and Eliana and I went to the Story County office again, then down to the Polk County office for certified copies of their birth certificates and our marriage license. We also took a quick tour of the capitol building, which Lucas really enjoyed. Today he asked, "Dad, could we go back through those doors that beep?" [security checkpoint] when we were back down in Des Moines to get a seal of Apostille for each of the documents. The seal of Apostille is an internationally recognized way of certifying documents. Oh, by the way, we got this done in the "Lucas Building," a fact that impressed Lucas.

The house continues to become less cluttered with stuff and more cluttered with packed boxes. That's good!