I'm sitting in one of the training rooms at ABWE, typing on my laptop. Wireless networks are pretty cool! (Once we got it set up our computer.)

The first three days of this training are devoted to Language Acquired Naturally through Cultural Encounters (LANCE) training. We devoted yesterday to phonetics and began our language learning today. The class was split into about six different groups learning different languages. Holly and I are with Kenny, who is from Hong Kong. May I say that Cantonese is difficult? Yikes, I couldn't even pronounce the word for "I." But it has also been encouraging. Within two hours we were responding to some basic commands in Cantonese and reproducing our own version of those sounds. I'm thanking God for Spanish . . . but if He wanted us to learn Cantonese we'd be up for it.

I've become reacquainted with driving a manual transmission (it's been about ten years), and Holly and I took two wrong turns last night on the way to her uncle's house. That was fun. We finally made it to their house after our 30 minute scenic detour.