José subió la página de la Federación Bautista Fundamental Independiente a la que pertecemos para que la conozcan...

Bautistas en Colombia

José uploaded the webpage for the fellowship of Baptists churches with whom we fellowship so you can get to know them...

I just ran across two free resources on internet. First, the Peacemaker brochure is available as a free download on their website. If you haven´t heard of Peacemaker Ministries, you need to look at their materials because they are a real blessing for developing a culture of peace in the church. Their website is and you can access the brochure at Peacemaker materials in other languages

The other site is The Gospel Coalition which now has Themelios Journal online for free. I perused the issue online and read one good article on the definition of "mission," a topic that is of great importance. What is "mission"? For many it has become only the Missio Dei or the social mandate, but the author argues that "mission" should be defined by the Great Commission. Good stuff!